Publikationen aus der Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 6201 (1):
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Christian Kreibich, Marko Jahnke
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.6201
7th International Conference, DIMVA 2010, Bonn, Germany, July 8-9, 2010, Proceedings
2010, xii, 219 S., 55 SW-Abb., Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.6201
7th International Conference, DIMVA 2010, Bonn, Germany, July 8-9, 2010, Proceedings
2010, xii, 219 S., 55 SW-Abb., Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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