Buch: Exportability and Internationalisation of Services
Exportability and Internationalisation of Services
Booklet on the meeting of the focus groups on November 27th, 2006 in Stuttgart
Walter Ganz, Martin W. Schmied
Hrsg.: Walter Ganz, Martin W. Schmied; DLR - Projektträger des BMBF; Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart
2006, 64 S., numerous illustrations and charts, Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8167-7252-1

zur Open Access Version

In 2005 Germany exported services amounting to over 140 billion US-Dollars and is "Export world champion" in some industries. The international exchange of services registers constant increases. While the economic development of the German Service sector proceeds favourably in the last years, the export of services remains rather retentive. For an expansion of service trade on an international scale, Germany is in need for additional innovations.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has therefore released the announcement "Exportability and Internationalisation of Services" in order to close gaps in the field of service research. The measures taken are supposed to sustain the competitiveness of the service industry as well as support the employment situation and the creation of attractive work conditions in the service sector. To strengthen the cooperation between the research projects, focus groups have been established that concentrate on certain economy sectors. The aim of the booklet is to inform about the focal points of the focus groups and to present interim results of the research work done so far.

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