Bücher, CDs, Broschüren (6):
Treffer: 1 bis 6
David Borschewski
A Combinatory Life Cycle Assessment Approach for the Ex-ante Evaluation of Adaptive Facades
Forschungsergebnisse aus der Bauphysik, Band 60
Hrsg.: Philip Leistner, Gunnar Grün; Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart
2025, 172 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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A Combinatory Life Cycle Assessment Approach for the Ex-ante Evaluation of Adaptive Facades
Forschungsergebnisse aus der Bauphysik, Band 60
Hrsg.: Philip Leistner, Gunnar Grün; Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart
2025, 172 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Big Data Analytics for Time-Critical Mobility Forecasting
From Raw Data to Trajectory-Oriented Mobility Analytics in the Aviation and Maritime Domains
2020, xxxii, 361 S., XXXII, 361 p. 126 illus., 100 illus. in color. 235 mm, Hardcover
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From Raw Data to Trajectory-Oriented Mobility Analytics in the Aviation and Maritime Domains
2020, xxxii, 361 S., XXXII, 361 p. 126 illus., 100 illus. in color. 235 mm, Hardcover
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Visual Business Analytics
Effektiver Zugang zu Daten und Informationen
2., Aufl.
2018, XVI, 272 S., komplett in Farbe. 24 cm, Hardcover
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Effektiver Zugang zu Daten und Informationen
2., Aufl.
2018, XVI, 272 S., komplett in Farbe. 24 cm, Hardcover
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Kawa Nazemi
Adaptive Semantics Visualization
1st ed. 2016
2016, xviii, 422 S., 16 SW-Abb., 123 Farbabb. 235 mm, Hardcover
Springer, Berlin
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Adaptive Semantics Visualization
1st ed. 2016
2016, xviii, 422 S., 16 SW-Abb., 123 Farbabb. 235 mm, Hardcover
Springer, Berlin
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Proceedings of the International Summer School on Visual Computing 2015
Hrsg.: Hans-Jörg Schulz, Bodo Urban, Uwe Freiherr von Lukas; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2015, 170 S., num., col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Hrsg.: Hans-Jörg Schulz, Bodo Urban, Uwe Freiherr von Lukas; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2015, 170 S., num., col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Gennady Andrienko, Natalia Andrienko, Peter Bak, Daniel Keim, Stefan Wrobel
Visual Analytics of Movement
2013, xviii, 387 S., XVIII, 387 p. 200 illus., 178 illus. in color. 235 mm, Hardcover
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Visual Analytics of Movement
2013, xviii, 387 S., XVIII, 387 p. 200 illus., 178 illus. in color. 235 mm, Hardcover
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