Bücher, CDs, Broschüren (5):
Treffer: 1 bis 5
Go-3D 2013: Computergraphik für die Praxis
Tagungsband zur Konferenz Go-3D 2013
Hrsg.: Uwe Freiherr von Lukas, Kristine Bauer, Eva-Maria Mahnke; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2013, 175 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Tagungsband zur Konferenz Go-3D 2013
Hrsg.: Uwe Freiherr von Lukas, Kristine Bauer, Eva-Maria Mahnke; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2013, 175 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Arjan Kuijper, Kristian Bredies, Thomas Pock
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.7893
4th International Conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Graz, Austria, June 2-6, 2013, Proceedings
2013, xii, 514 S., 196 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.7893
4th International Conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Graz, Austria, June 2-6, 2013, Proceedings
2013, xii, 514 S., 196 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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Go-3D 2012: Computergraphik für die Praxis
Hrsg.: Uwe von Lukas, Kristine Haase, Eva-Maria Mahnke; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2012, 200 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Hrsg.: Uwe von Lukas, Kristine Haase, Eva-Maria Mahnke; Fraunhofer IGD, Institutsteil Rostock
2012, 200 S., zahlr., teils farb. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Georgy Gimel farb, Edwin Hancock, Atsushi Imiya, Arjan Kuijper, Mineichi Kudo, Shinichiro Omachi, Terry Windeatt, Keiji Yamada
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
Lecture Notes in Computer Science .7626
Joint IAPR International Workshop, SSPR & SPR 2012, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-9, 2012, Proceedings
2012, xviii, 755 S., 236 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
Lecture Notes in Computer Science .7626
Joint IAPR International Workshop, SSPR & SPR 2012, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-9, 2012, Proceedings
2012, xviii, 755 S., 236 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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Stefan Göbel, Wolfgang Mueller, Bodo Urban, Josef Wiemeyer
E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.7516
7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012, and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 18-20, 2012, Proceedings
2012, xviii, 194 S., 68 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.7516
7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012, and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 18-20, 2012, Proceedings
2012, xviii, 194 S., 68 SW-Abb. 235 mm, Softcover
Springer, Berlin
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