Bücher, CDs, Broschüren (14):
Treffer: 11 bis 14
Frank Elberzhager
A Systematic Integration of Inspection and Testing Processes for Focusing Testing Activities
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 40
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern
2012, 222 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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A Systematic Integration of Inspection and Testing Processes for Focusing Testing Activities
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 40
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern
2012, 222 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Ralf Carbon
Architecture-Centric Software Producibility Analysis
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 38
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern; Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Computer Science Department, AG Software Engineering
2012, 202 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Architecture-Centric Software Producibility Analysis
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 38
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern; Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Computer Science Department, AG Software Engineering
2012, 202 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Thomas Burkhard Patzke
Sustainable Evolution of Product Line Infrastructure Code
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 36
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern; Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Computer Science; Department, AG Software Engineering
2011, 229 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Sustainable Evolution of Product Line Infrastructure Code
PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering, Band 36
Hrsg.: Dieter Rombach, Peter Liggesmeyer, Frank Bomarius; Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern; Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Computer Science; Department, AG Software Engineering
2011, 229 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Kai Mertens, Peter Heisig, Jens Vorbeck
Knowledge Management
Concepts and Best Practices
2nd ed.
2003, xxxi, 384 S., 131 SW-Abb.,. 24 cm, Hardcover
Springer, Berlin
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Knowledge Management
Concepts and Best Practices
2nd ed.
2003, xxxi, 384 S., 131 SW-Abb.,. 24 cm, Hardcover
Springer, Berlin
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