Bücher, CDs, Broschüren (67):
Treffer 1 bis 10
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KI-Engineering in der Produktion
Whitepaper der Fraunhofer-Institute IOSB und IAIS
Hrsg.: Thomas Usländer, Daniel Schulz; Fraunhofer IOSB; Fraunhofer IAIS
2023, 28 S., mehrere farb. A.. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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Whitepaper der Fraunhofer-Institute IOSB und IAIS
Hrsg.: Thomas Usländer, Daniel Schulz; Fraunhofer IOSB; Fraunhofer IAIS
2023, 28 S., mehrere farb. A.. u. Tab., Softcover
Fraunhofer Verlag
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OCM 2021 - Optical Characterization of Materials : Conference Proceedings
2021, 216 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2021, 216 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory
2021, 192 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2021, 192 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Ansätze zur lokalen Bayes'schen Fusion von Informationsbeiträgen heterogener Quellen
2021, 342 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2021, 342 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Integrierte Multi-Sensor-Fusion für die simultane Lokalisierung und Kartenerstellung für mobile Robotersysteme
2021, 272 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2021, 272 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Predictive energy-efficient motion trajectory optimization of electric vehicles
2020, 322 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2020, 322 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Robuste Detektion, Verfolgung und Wiedererkennung von Personen in Videodaten mit niedriger Auflösung
2020, 286 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2020, 286 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Simulation-based Planning of Machine Vision Inspection Systems with an Application to Laser Triangulation
2020, 238 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2020, 238 S., graph. Darst. 210 mm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects Using Instance-Aware Multibody Structure from Motion
2020, 196 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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2020, 196 S., graph. Darst. 21 cm, Softcover
KIT Scientific Publishing
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3,2. Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems
Selected papers from the International Conference ML4CPS 2020
2020, vii, 130 S., 17 SW-Abb., 25 Farbabb., 50 Farbtabellen. 240 mm, Softcover
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Selected papers from the International Conference ML4CPS 2020
2020, vii, 130 S., 17 SW-Abb., 25 Farbabb., 50 Farbtabellen. 240 mm, Softcover
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