Schriftenreihe Logistik und Informationstechnologien / Publication series on logistics and information technologies, Band 5
Peter Kress
Hrsg.: Alexander Pflaum; Fraunhofer IIS
2018, 350 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1400-6
This research answers following research question: "How do digital technologies impact value creation of companies in the manufacturing industry?" Therefore, the key digital technologies that impact companies in the manufacturing industry have been identified by a systematic literature review. In the following, a focus was set on the value creation of companies in the manufacturing industry. A defining feature of the digital transformation is that networks of firms, instead of individual firms, are competing with each other. Thus, the author of this work created a role model with key cooperation partners of companies in the manufacturing industry by application of grounded theory.
Platforms that leverage the digital technology Internet-of-Things (IoT), have the potential to profoundly change the manufacturing industry by disrupting established and enabling new business models. Therefore, the value creation in Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT) platform business models was investigated by the creation of a multiple case study of ten IIoT platform offerings. Thereby, the business model construct has been applied as structuring frame for the investigation. Value creation sources of business models (Novelty, Lock-in, Complementarities and Efficiency) have been identified for IIoT platforms.
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Fraunhofer SCS, Fraunhofer IIS, manufacturing industry, business innovation, business application, computer networking & communication, Business Ecosystem, business model, case study research, Digitalization, Industrial-Internet-of-Things, platform economy, manufacturing operations managers, Produktionsleiter, innovation managers, Innovationsmanager, manufacturing IT managers, Produktions-IT-Manager, business model researchers, Geschäftsmodellforscher,
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