Buch: Terminal Operating Systems 2021
Terminal Operating Systems 2021
An International Market Review of Current Software Applications for Terminal Operators
Patrick Zimmerman, Julius Küchle
Hrsg.: Carlos Jahn; Fraunhofer CML, Hamburg
2021, 62 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1705-2

The worldwide market of terminal operating systems is very heterogeneous. It is characterised by many providers offering more than one product each. The range of functions of each product is diverse depending on its scope and purpose. This market survey is supposed to enable the public to gain more insight into the market. Therefore, public information as well as information derived from a survey questionnaire has been evaluated using a scheme that is independent of the respective terminal type. The third issue of this study provides an updated list of companies providing TOS systems including their product and features, as well as new insights regarding future developments of software supporting terminal operation.

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