Andrea Zenker, Elisabeth Baier, Emmanuel Muller, Jean-Alain Héraud, Volker Tippmann
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ZV
2013, 213 S., num. mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0539-4
France and Germany are important trading and policy partners but also have intense relationships on research cooperation in diverse areas. German and French research organisations have accumulated a large repository of knowledge and experience in bilateral research cooperation during the past few years and decades. This book analyses a variety of French-German research cooperations ranging from basic to applied research and from project cooperation to a joint French-German institute. Using a comparative approach, the analyses carried out in the book aim to identify the specific experiences gained from selected examples of French-German research cooperations in a systematic manner. The authors show learning effects from French-German research cooperations that may support future binational as well as international activities.
Verfügbare Formate
Fraunhofer ISI, Forschungspolitik, Projektträger, wissenschaftliche Einrichtung,
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