Buch: On Modeling and Simulation of Crystallization in Fiber Melt Spinning
On Modeling and Simulation of Crystallization in Fiber Melt Spinning
Manuel Ettmüller
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ITWM
2025, 129 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Trier, Univ., Diss., 2024
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-2070-0

This thesis addresses the modeling and simulation of physical processes in the context of the production of technical textiles. The process of fiber melt spinning presents a significant challenge from a mathematical and modeling perspective, given its inherent complexity. The thesis focuses on semi-crystalline polymers, where the degree of crystallization is a critical factor.
Considering a viscoelastic two-phase fiber model class, asymptotically justified boundary conditions are derived, preventing the occurrence of artificial boundary layers. In the context of a viscoelastic model hierarchy, several dimensionally reduced fiber models are analyzed and compared with respect to their performance and application regime, with a particular focus on a novel stress-averaged one-two-dimensional model. For the efficient numerical solution of the boundary value problems of ordinary and partial differential equations resulting from the fiber models, suitable problem-specific solution algorithms are developed. The capabilities of the model-simulation framework are demonstrated by investigating an industrial spinning scenario with hundreds of fibers, incorporating two-way coupled fiber-air interaction.

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EUR 39.00 (* inkl. MwSt.)
erscheint ca. Februar 2025


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