Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Fraunhofer ICT, Band 79
David Bücheler
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal
2018, 192 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Karlsruhe, KIT, Diss., 2017
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-1300-9
The process of co-molding of locally continuous-fiber reinforced structures with Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) has the potential to realize structures economically combining high stiffness with freedom in design. The objective is to combine the flowability of the SMC, needed to form ribs and to integrate inlays, with accurate position and intact shape of the continuous-fiber reinforcement. State-of-the-art in co-molding is still a near net-shape mold coverage of the SMC to prevent any flow. The introduction of a two-step curing resin results in a stiff reinforcement during co-molding, which endures the forces applied by the flowing SMC and therefore is not deformed. Furthermore, the second reaction step allows for chemical bonding to the SMC. To prevent displacement of the reinforcement, a novel fixation method is introduced by using magnetic. To realize this innovative co-molding concept a multidisciplinary approach is needed, including material characterization and material modelling, process simulation and magnetic field simulation and like-wise experiments. Hereby, the performance as well as the reliability of these hybrid structures are significantly improved.
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