Foundations of Empirical Software Engineering
The Legacy of Victor R. Basili
Barry W. Boehm, H. D. Rombach, Marvin V. Zelkowitz
2005, x, 432 S., IX, 431 p, 103 illus. 23,5 cm, Hardcover
Sprache: Englisch
Springer, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-540-24547-6
The Legacy of Victor R. Basili
Barry W. Boehm, H. D. Rombach, Marvin V. Zelkowitz
2005, x, 432 S., IX, 431 p, 103 illus. 23,5 cm, Hardcover
Sprache: Englisch
Springer, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-540-24547-6
Verfügbare Formate
Publikationslisten zum Thema:
Fraunhofer IESE, empirical software engineering, experience factory, goal question metric approach, learning organization, quality improvement paradigm, software measurement,
Fraunhofer IESE, empirical software engineering, experience factory, goal question metric approach, learning organization, quality improvement paradigm, software measurement,
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