Effects of hydrogen sulfide in fuel gas on SOFC stack performance with nickel containing anodes
Schriftenreihe Kompetenzen in Keramik / Publication series competencies in ceramics, Band 13
Sena Kavurucu Schubert
Hrsg.: Alexander Michaelis; Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden
2012, 151 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Dresden, TU, Diss., 2012
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0462-5
Schriftenreihe Kompetenzen in Keramik / Publication series competencies in ceramics, Band 13
Sena Kavurucu Schubert
Hrsg.: Alexander Michaelis; Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden
2012, 151 S., num. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Dresden, TU, Diss., 2012
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0462-5
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) can use wide varieties of fuels such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, alcohols as well as synthesis gases from natural gas, biogas and petroleum. Using such a wide range of fuels introduces the risk of unwanted impurities, which can affect the function of the SOFC. One of the known impurities is sulfur which is a well known catalyst poison. This work deals with the effect of H2S containing fuel gas on SOFC stack performance as well as regeneration processes and their underlying mechanisms.
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