Proceedings of the 8th International CIRP Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - DET 2014
mit CD-ROM
Hrsg.: Wilhelm Bauer, Carmen Constantinescu, Olaf Sauer, Paul Maropoulos, Jody Muelaner; Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart
2014, 43 S., num., mostly col. illus. and tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8396-0697-1
The CIRP sponsored DET 2014 conference focusses on the employment of modern ICT-technologies and tools for the modeling, simulation, optimization, advanced control and monitoring, real-time visualization of products, factories and manufacturing processes. The addressed areas cover all phases of product, factory and manufacturing processes, life cycle starting with product design and development, engineering of factories, machines, equipment and technical processes, commissioning and rump-up, followed by manufacturing operations, maintenance and facility management up to products recycling/re-use, factory overhaul and environmentally friendly dismantling.
Verfügbare Formate
Fraunhofer IAO, industry, ICT-key providers, product design, process development, Fertigung, Informationstechnik, Fertigungstechnik,
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