Proceedings from the International Conference "Climatization of Historic Buidings, State of the Art", Linderhof Palace, December, 2nd, 2010
Hrsg.: Ralf Kilian, Tomás Vyhlídal, Tor Broström
2011, 84 S., num. figs. and tables, Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8167-8637-5
Inhaltsverzeichnis [PDF]
The book summarizes current developments in climate control of historic buildings taking into account the aspects of energy efficiency. Special emphasis is laid on low impact and low tec solutions and their effectiveness in preserving cultural heritage objects and buildings alike. Among the methods discussed are conservation heating, dehumidifi cation, low impact heating in churches and the Temperierung system for wall heating. Hands on practice, innovative concepts, results from European research projects and environmental simulation are combined to show new solutions for preventive conservation and the preservation of collections in historic buildings.
Verfügbare Formate
Fraunhofer IBP, Denkmalpflege, Kulturerbe, Historisches Gebäude, Baudenkmal, Klimabedingung, Raumklima, Entfeuchtung, Bautrocknung, Klima, Temperierung, Wandheizung, Monitoring, Umweltsimulation, Forschungsprojekt, Fachtagung, Sachstandsbericht,
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