Strategies at company level and public policies in selected European countries
Broschürenreihe Demographie und Erwerbsarbeit, Band BR15
Hartmut Buck, Bernd Dworschak
Hrsg.: Hartmut Buck, Bernd Dworschak; Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart
2003, 117 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8167-6321-5
Kurztext: Published in the booklet series »Demography and Employment«.
The booklet brings together representatives from politics and research presenting public policies and strategies at company level in selected countries. The summaries in this booklet present the problems and the strategies pursued in European countries as well as the programmes which have been set up to meet the challenges. Demographic change is a European problem, which urgently requires a common European response. Nevertheless, we have to realise that demographic change will have very different effects on different regions and areas of work.
Demography and the future of work have recently moved to the forefront of public concern. Politicians, social partners, and an increasing number of companies are showing growing interest in these issues. There is now a broad consensus that demographic change will have a massive impact at all levels of society. As the average age of the workforce increases, it is a central point to sustain and to improve the innovative ability and competitiveness of enterprises in the long term. However, we are still waiting for more examples of good practice in companies and associations.
Fraunhofer IAO, demographischer Wandel, älterer Arbeitnehmer, ageing, work, Europe, public policy, employment, demographic change, ageing worker, labour participation, older worker, Human Resource Management, company level, company, labour force, employer association, trade union, employment service, regional and local industrial development agency, social insurance institution, science,
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