Strategies, Solutions, Efficiency and Impact
Achim Zechner
Hrsg.: Achim Zechner; Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
2007, 480 S., num. illus. a. tab., Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8167-7268-2
The comprehensive modernisation of the adminstriation demands reliable concenpts and efficient products on the one hand and innovative ideas and the motivation of numerous people in quite different roles and positions on the other. In order for the public sector to be able to make use of the enormous creative potential of modern technologies, it is important to intensify efforts to combine all available forces and to exploit new synergies.
E-Government Guide Germany: Strategies, solutions and efficiency provides a broad, discerning picture of the activities and achievements to date as well as the challenges to come. More than fifty experts from the public sector (federal, provinces and communal level), and from industry and science, examine e-government as a complex challenge to be mastered through the close co-operation of those involved.
All the authors in this edition have many years of experience in their special fieldsd of developing and applying e-government. Based on the principle "by professionals for professionals", this handbook not only offers insights into what has already been achieved in the field, but also states what still has to be done. It defines specific tasks, creating a solid, common basis for decision-makers and implementers.
Deutsche Version "Handbuch E-Government" ISBN 978-3-8167-7261-3
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Fraunhofer FOKUS, E-Government, wirtschaftlicher Sektor, Öffentlicher Sektor, Technologie, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Innovation,
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